Fashion Forward Men always loves coming across a talent that is on the brink of having a very bright future.  Ryan Brave's talents have shined brightly in our eyes, to the point we became entranced and needed to know more. 
I came across this young mans bio even before seeing his actually works and two words instantly popped into my head...  DRIVE and AMBITION.  Unlike so many souls hiding in the shadows,  hoping to be noticed, Ryan decided to be the risk taker and take a chance. 

What I have noticed about children coming from families where they are the only child is that a great many of them have imaginations that can run wild.  I mean, what else are they supposed to do after the sun goes down, and they have to come in from running around with their friends?  Aside from watching tons of television, playing video games, and possibly being about to talk on the phone, what do these kids do??? I am going to go on a limb and say they excel at creating their own fictitious worlds, and imaginary friends just to occupy time, and possibly cope with their boredom.  Not that this is a bad thing.  In fact, I think its awesome.  Ryan. it just so happens to be one of those children.  Perhaps this is how he gravitated to liking Graphics, Photography, and Commercials.  Being a military brat, he was always bouncing from place to place.  Probably so much so that the world of fantasy plays a very important part in his life.  One will never know... Even Ryan admits to asking himself how and possibly why his love for these fields came into existence for him. 

Although known for his photography, Brave has a rather lengthy list of talents under his belt.  Occasionally stepping from behind his lens, Ryan dabbles in Journalism.  Okay, "dabbles" may not be the word.  Having the opportunity to interview Steph Jones, Marcus Patrick, Jenson Atwood and some prominent people in the public eye, shouldn't be taken so lightly.  He has even put entertainment reporter Luke Burke in the hot seat.  

How difficult was it to get answers from someone who is used to asking all the questions themselves, we ask.

"Good question.  It wasn't difficult on my behalf, but I can't speak for him.  Nevertheless, it was an awesome interview and opportunity," he responds.  

Are you willing to say  who was your most difficult interview? 

I don't think I've experienced that just yet.  Although I will say my best interview to date was singer/songwriter Teron Beal.  I felt as though I knew him personally.  Just reading what he had to say, we had A LOT  in common, yet I have never "officially"  met him.  he's an awesome guy, and very talented." 
Music Production is another field that he has tapped into.  Revealing that his aunt was a pianist, Ryan explains to Fashion Forward Men that this is how he was originally introduced into the world of music.  

"When I was around seven years old, I remember asking my aunt to teach me how to play.  She summed it by by saying, "I can't teach you, I dont have the patience to teach," so being inquisitive(as I always been), I hopped on the piano and taught myself Twinkle Twinkle Little Star using one finger."  

Brave also mentions that his mother, who just recently passed away (R.I.P.), was a singer.  With this, i gather he has a great ear.  

Obviously gifted, and wanting to make his mother proud, the talented artist enrolled at Columbia College in Chicago.  While there, he became more knowledgeable about yet another field of interest, Web Design.  Clearly a fast study, Ryan was already landing gigs while in school.  Like any artist, doing something that his heart wasn't really into, his life became somewhat problematic.  Because of  him being in school, Ryan confesses that he had to pass on some pretty amazing projects.  After 3 threes of schooling, he put the breaks on his "structured" education and decided to do what his heart felt.  

This proved to be a good decision.  The ambitious new comer was approached by the very accomplished photographer Dave Ellis.  Dave has an extensive list of celebrities that he has captured.  Artist ranging from Alicia Keys, to Kelly Rowland, to Idris Elba, to Boris Kodjoe can be found in his portfolio.  It's no wonder why the eager Ryan Brave jumped at the chance to work with him.

Not one to work in the shadows of another, Brave and Ellis stopped their working with one another, and from what I gather, it wasn't a bad split. 

"Working with Dave taught me a lot of things. It taught me how to ALWAYS be prompt when working with high profile clients, it also opened my eyes to what really goes on behind the scenes of working with celebrities, and a few other things written in my bio on my site. I don't like to think of us as being "separated" because he would still recommend me for jobs if requested, I just feel as though he saw a lot of talent in me, and didn't want me to be working under him, and to become more ethical. He was really big on reading books pertaining to art. He insisted I always read, which is what I do all the time. It may not be words that I'm reading, it may simply be a photograph. But to me, photographs can exploit more meanings than anything that is written"

 Aside from Dave Ellis' work, this Fashion Forward Artist also loves the works of Steven Klein, Sarah McColgan, and a new talent Michael McCloud.  Thats all fine and dandy, but how does R.B. describe his own work? 
"The first word that came to my mind was Vibrant and I choose that word because I think it stands out to those that view it." 

Never knowing where interviews will take us hear at FFM, I am please to say that Ryan is back in school.  Don't worry, he is still doing his thing and in fact has something rather exciting coming out very soon.  Hopefully he will have time to do a collab with Fashion Forward Men once we relocate to New York (which is where he currently resides).  

Stay tuned for Part Deux of this AMAZING fast growing talent.
Also be sure to check out his portfolio on Model Mayhem: 


  1. the reason i love coming to this blog is that you truely give the artist you feature a voice. i love what you do!!!

  2. Why did he change his name?? I wanna know.. I love his stuff to.. great and sexy stuff on MM


  4. dudes lighting is dope.. I love his work.


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