Los Vladimirovich Spring/Summer 2013 

Model:Yuri Pleskun 

"Los Vladimirovich is a collective brand, which means everyone is included: from the seamstress and pattern makers, all the way through lawyers, interns, webmasters, graphic designers, the girl that stamps the cloth, any person who directly or indirectly reflects its influence in the Los Vladimirovich's clothing and accessories. We are not really interested in people acknowledging any of us as "a designer of Los Vladimirovich" , no one has the designer title, we want people to know and recognize our final work as a collective and not as an individual work." 

For their Spring/Summer 2013, the rather obscure group of individuals that form Los Vladimirovich, come together for yet another collection.  Tailored but relax jackets with a touch of sportswear, the collection contains some pretty nice transitional pieces. 












PHOTOGRAPHY : Giovanni Cervantes


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